Pastor Jay's Mid-Week Memo – July 19, 2023

Dear Church Family,

It is hard to believe we are in mid-July and the end of summer/start of school is coming on us quickly! It’s been a great summer and I have been so encouraged by all the ways God has moved in and through our faith family!

A couple of quick notes for you:

  1. Pray for our Kenya teams: as you know, we have a team serving in Kenya and God is moving powerfully! Pray for them as they continue sharing the gospel in villages and working with leaders there to plant new churches. Also, pray for the medical team that will leave tomorrow to join them on the field serving critical physical and spiritual needs. And, pray for those from the first team who will be traveling back in the days to come.
  2. This past weekend was really exciting as Matt Longworth gave a incredible message in our services, our Kenya team led in multiple church gatherings, and we publicly kicked off our partnership with Una Baptist Church. That’s what it means to be a part of a church that is serious about multiplying, sending, and going! The folks at Una were so warm, welcoming and excited about the new hope their church has because of this partnership! Pray for the Transition Team as they meet and pray for God to lead us to His plan for a church to thrive there once again.
  3. Tonight, join us for a Prayer Meeting in the chapel at 6:00pm, with our students gathering at 6:30pm for “YUK Night!” Your participation and involvement this summer has been so encouraging – attendance has been very strong each Sunday, and we’ve seen great participation at events like our Celebrators lunch yesterday (with zoo animals!) and our Women’s Summer Fellowships (next one is tomorrow night!). Thank you for being faithful!

I’ll be back in the pulpit on Sunday to wrap up our Walking Wisely series. It’s been a fun and helpful series – I’ve loved hearing so many of you say the same. Join us and bring someone with you this Sunday!

Love you and praying for you, FHBC family!

You are Sent,

Pastor Jay

Pastor Jay's Mid-Week Memo – June 28, 2023

Dear Church Family,
Summer is off to a great start at Forest Hills Baptist Church! We have so much to celebrate, participate in, and look forward to!
Of course, we are celebrating an incredible VBS week! We praise God for the 17 children who trusted Christ for salvation, the many others who talked with decision counselors and are talking with their parents about what God is doing in their lives, and the many new families who attended last week. I am also grateful for the 200+ men and women who invested their time, energy and gifts to make VBS happen. And of course, we are grateful for our FHBC children's ministry staff team - Lauren Bush, Debi Jones, Molly Hardwick and Caroline Briley. Pray for continued fruit to come from the seeds planted last week!
This week is yet another sending week for FHBC as we sent a mission engagement team to England, and sent our students to FUGE Camp at Ridgecrest! Be praying for our mission team as they serve our mission partners there and serve alongside of them to impact others with the gospel. And, be praying for a life-changing week at camp for our students. Camp is a special experience every year and a great opportunity for students to make significant decisions in relationship with God.
And finally, we have an exciting update on one of our 2025 goals! Our desire is to be a multiplying church that is planting and re-planting new churches to reach people and make disciples. God has given us a unique and exciting opportunity to pursue next steps in fulfilling this goal, and I can't wait to share more with you later this week! We'll send a specific email and video to share how God is at work and the next steps we are taking to follow His lead. 
I'm grateful for what God is doing and excited about what is ahead! Love you, praying for you, and look forward to seeing you soon...and until then, you are sent!
Until All Hear,
Pastor Jay
Posted by Jay Hardwick