The Enrichment Center ministry is... 

  • collection of resources for research, leisure reading, Bible enrichment, evangelism, missions, ministry preparation, and spiritual growth. 
  • gathering place for fellowship while enjoying a puzzle or playing with legos, sharing what Christ is doing in and through our lives, and learning from each other through our reading groups. 

Conveniently located off of the hallway between the Atrium and the Fellowship Hall, The Enrichment Center is the go-to place for books and media related to sermon series, Sunday School, and discipleship topics, and so much more.

Online Catalog

View a list of recommended Christian Standard Bibles

CSB Study Bible, Black Deluxe LeatherTouch
(Hardback available at same cost)
Item #005791458  |  Price: $32.00
CSB Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible 
Amazon  |  Price: $28.49
CSB Large Print Ultrathin Reference Bible, Black Premium Leather, Black Letter Edition, Indexed 
Item #005789990  |  Price: $56.00
CSB Single-Column Personal Size Bible, Brown Genuine Leather 
Item #005803824  |  Price: $52.49
CSB Single Column Wide-Margin Bible, Black Leather
Item #005831722  |  Price: $34.99
CSB Ultra Thin Reference Bible, Black Leather
Price: Lifeway ~ $40; Amazon ~ $35.61
Large Print Personal Size Reference Bible, Brown Leather
Price: $41.99

A ministry that creates relevant pathways to equip people to love, grow, serve and go. 

Reading Groups

Spring Reading Groups begin January 15, 2024

10:00 - 11:30am 
Facilitated by Morlee Maynard and Debbie Boyte
Rm. A203 and Zoom

6:00 - 7:20pm
Facilitated by Morlee Maynard
Room A203 and Zoom

The morning group is open to women. The evening group is open to women and men. All ages will dive into Enrichment Center fiction and nonfiction books. Each participant selects a book of interest, reads it during the week at your own pace, and when we meet, shares a thought you had while reading the book. These dynamic group sessions are thought-provoking and help us explore spiritual truths in various books each of us are reading. Experience a different kind of group that equips us to love, grow, serve, and go. As you have questions, email Morlee ( ).

Digging Deeper 1 on 1

Whether you choose to read or listen alone or with a friend, family member, or spouse, consider these three steps. You will find books, audiobooks, and DVDs in the Enrichment Center or through our online catalog

  1. Select items then reserve them to pick up the next time you are at our building (either curbside or in the Enrichment Center). 
  2. Experience the books, audiobooks, and DVDs by yourself or with someone. 
  3. Share your own reflections on your experience in our FHBC Spiritual Reflections Journal located next to the puzzle in the Enrichment Center. 

Questions? Email us at  .  

Frequently Asked Questions

How do we select our books, DVDs and audiobooks? 

All books, DVD and audiobooks are chosen with the following considerations:

  1. Accurate in facts, scriptural interpretation, and doctrine.
  2. Constructive in influence and morals.
  3. High literary or technical quality.
  4. Sound educational methods and assist in learning.
  5. Christian standards of conduct promote Christian attitudes and actions. Lives of authors must be consistent with their teachings.
  6. Due to space limitations, book, DVD, and audiobook donations cannot be accepted. However, monetary donations can be made to assist the Enrichment Center with its selections needs. A list of books, DVDs, and audiobooks is available from which to choose.


How are monetary gifts and donations used?

Monetary gifts play an important role in this ministry. They make possible the purchase of additional books, DVDs, audiobooks, and services not provided through the church budget. 
Monetary gifts may be in the form of memorials. Honor gifts may be given for birthdays, births, anniversaries, retirements, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or recognition of any individual or groups. Money will be processed through the church financial system.
Due to space limitations, book, DVD, and audiobook donations cannot be accepted. However, monetary donations can be made to assist the Enrichment Center with its selections needs.

Checkout Details, Hours & More

Members and guests of Forest Hills Baptist Church and their families may check out items according to the following procedures.

  1. Books, DVDs, and audiobooks are limited to six (6) per person.
  2. Checkout period is four (4) weeks.
  3. DVDs marked as “home use only” cannot be shown in the church building unless so indicated inside the DVD case.
  4. No fines are collected for overdue items, but users are expected to return items on time. Renewing checked out items can be done in person, through email ( ) or the online catalog.
  5. The Enrichment Center is open Monday through Friday (8:00 AM to 4:30 PM) and Sundays (7:45AM to 12:30 PM). Self-Checkout items by filling out the forms and leaving them in the box on the desk counter.
  6. Search for items in-person or remotely through the online catalog. Reserving items can be done in-person or through the online catalog.

The Enrichment Center Schedule

Sundays – 7:45-8:15am & 10:30-11:30am

Wednesdays – 9:15-11:30am & 4-7:15pm

Monday-Friday – 8am-4:30pm
Sundays – 8:15-10:30am

The Enrichment Center Online Catalog is always open. Reserve books and DVDs for pick up at your convenience.

Browse Online Catalog