Pastor Jay's Mid-Week Memo – August 17, 2022
Dear Church Family,
We are grateful for your prayers and encouragement as we moved Molly in at Ole Miss this week! (Here's a photo from her signing day last fall.) We are proud of her and all of our FHBC college students that are beginning or continuing their college careers this month. Pray for them and their families! And, we are excited to welcome back all of our students returning to Belmont, Vanderbilt, Lipscomb and other Nashville-area schools. It’s an exciting time in the lives of these students, their families and our church family!

We are celebrating an outstanding Fall Kickoff carnival last Wednesday with hundreds attending, including many new faces, in spite of the weather challenges. I’m proud of our team doing a great job to move everything indoors and especially appreciate you being there and bringing friends. Every week is someone’s first week at Forest Hills, so always be on the lookout for opportunities to give a warm welcome, and keep inviting your friends as everyone gets into new routines for the fall.

TONIGHT is the launch of Wednesday nights at Forest Hills! I hope you and your family will join us for a delicious meal followed by our midweek opportunities for kids, students and adults. There are still spaces available in our Equip classes for adults – I highly recommend you taking a step to engage with others in studying the Bible together this fall. Tonight will be an exciting kickoff for kids and students as well. Students will be in the ELEVATE Worship Center with a special guest they will not want to miss! It’s a great time to jump in – I hope you will be here!

This Sunday, August 21, we dive back into the book of Acts! I can’t wait, as we will literally see the gospel spread to the ends of the earth as we journey through the second half of Acts this fall. In preparation, I encourage you to read Acts 13-14, which I will be preaching and teaching through on Sunday. I will focus the sermon on a couple of key passages, but I want you to see the full context of what's going on in these critical chapters. Can’t wait to dive back in – be here and be ready to go!
Can’t wait to see you tonight!
Until All Hear,
Pastor Jay, you are definitely an answer to the prayers of many of us to be the senior pastor of F.H.B.C. Thank you for hearing and obeying the call of the Lord.