Pastor Jay's Mid-Week Memo
Dear Church Family,
I hope you are surviving this insane heat we are experiencing! Maybe this is God’s way of getting me back for giving y’all so much grief over the cold and icy winters we have had in Nashville since we moved here.
Three things I want to share with you this week:
- We are celebrating thousands of people reached and impacted by our student missions teams that served last week in Los Angeles and Memphis! It’s exciting hearing the reports from David Reed and Keiron Miles of how God worked in and through our students. Thank you for praying for them and supporting them as they served. We are praying God will continue to use experiences like this to help the next generation to know how to live on mission every day.
- This week, we are gearing up for Engage The City this Saturday, June 25. We will be focusing on two areas – Tusculum Hills and 12th South – with neighborhood outreach and block parties. Our hope is to partner with our friends at Tusculum Hills as they continue to reach their diverse area. We also want to make more meaningful connections in the 12th South area, which we were able to engage leading up to and on Easter. If you haven’t already, you can sign up to serve by visiting Our family is looking forward to joining with you as we serve our community on Saturday.
- As we look ahead, I want to ask you be praying for the kids that made decisions for Christ at VBS. We are working to follow up with all of them and their families and will start celebrating baptisms very soon. Baptisms are so exciting to celebrate and we can’t wait to celebrate with these 24 kids and their families in the weeks ahead. We also have many others who are making decisions to be baptized. Pray for them as well and if baptism is your next step, please reach out and let us know!
This Sunday we continue our Summer in the Psalms series with our friend, Michael Kelley preaching from Psalm 23. Michael is a familiar face and was so encouraging in the interim season. He is now serving in a new role as Executive Director of the Nashville Baptist Association. I wanted you to be able to hear from him again while we support him moving into this new, critical ministry area. I’m looking forward to hearing from Michael and worshipping with you on Sunday!

Love you, Church!
Until All Hear,
Pastor Jay