Mid-Week Memo from Pastor Jay

Dear Church Family,

I hope your week is off to a great start! We have a lot to celebrate and look forward to in our faith family, but today first and foremost, our hearts are heavy for the people of Uvalde, TX, especially the families of those who lost precious lives in yesterday’s horrific attack. Join me in praying for those families, those caring for them, for the victims who were injured and for the school and community leaders. Pray also for God to use His people to provide care and be the hands and feet of Jesus in this terrible time. May God truly be near to the brokenhearted.

We are celebrating how God is moving at Forest Hills as this past Sunday, we officially welcomed 16 new members to Forest Hills and had a great group attend our Explore FHBC class Sunday afternoon. Make sure you make an effort to welcome our new members as you see and have opportunity to interact with them. And, if you have been around Forest Hills for a while but have yet to take that step to join the family, our next Explore FHBC session is scheduled for Tuesday, June 21. 

This Sunday, we will have a special time of worship as we celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. I will be preaching on the significance of the Lord’s Supper and why it is so important that we as a church family gather together to celebrate this special and purposeful meal together. I know it’s Memorial Day weekend and some will be traveling, but if at all possible, please join us in person or online for what will be a powerful worship service. And remember, we start our new worship schedule this Sunday with our Traditional Worship at 8:15am, Sundays School at 9:30am and Modern Worship at 11:00am.

As we look ahead, two things are right around the corner. One, is of course...VBS! We’re so looking forward to what is one of the most transformational weeks of the year for our faith family. I’m so grateful for the 200+ volunteers who have committed to spend that week investing in the next generation and I am excited about the 100’s of kids already registered! Get your kids, grandkids, and all your friends you are bringing with you pre-registered at fhbc.org/vbs! Also, Summer in the Psalms kicks off June 5. I’m looking forward to spending the summer once again in selected Psalms before we get back in to Acts in August!

Have a great rest of your week – I can’t wait to see and worship with you at the Lord’s table on Sunday!

Posted by Jay Hardwick
