Jesus Talked More About Money Than He Did Prayer, Heaven Or Hell

Why? Because He said, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matt. 6:21). Giving is a heart issue that gets to the core of what we believe and what we want to become.

Giving is an act of worship: A tangible response to the incredible generosity of God. We give out of grateful hearts in recognition that God owns everything, and we are to be faithful stewards of all he entrusts to us.

Four Foundational Principles of Giving  

  1. Every believer has a responsibility to support his or her home church financially (Mal. 3:8–10; 1 Cor. 9:7–12; 1 Tim. 5:17–18).
  2. Every believer should prayerfully consider the Biblical guideline of the tithe (10% of one’s income) as a helpful starting point for learning how to give (Gen. 14:18–20; Mal. 3:8–10; Matt. 23:23).
  3. Every believer can give Biblically, regardless of income. The amount is not as important as the heart as one gives…regularly, proportionally, generously, sacrificially and cheerfully (Matt. 6:21; 1 Cor. 16:1–2; 2 Cor. 9).
  4. Every healthy church will go through seasons of sacrificial giving, above and beyond regular giving, to provide for special needs and opportunities. (Ex. 35:4–36:7; Acts 11:27-30).

Ways To Give

Through the tithes and offerings of church members, FHBC's ministries are funded, staff is paid and facilities are maintained. Unless otherwise noted, all donations are put toward the general operations fund of the church.

Simply place cash or checks checks in the offering collection boxes at the entrance/exit doors after any of our Sunday morning worship services. There is also a dropbox in the church office where you can place your gift. Please be sure to include name and address on check or envelope in order to receive credit for tax purposes.

Online giving allows for a specific dollar amount to be automatically deducted from a checking or savings account. You can set this up as a one-time or recurring gift. Online giving is not only easy, but it's safe and secure!

Give Online Now

It's easy to give using our FHBC mobile app – simply open it on your mobile device or tablet, click "More" at the bottom, then the "Give" button. Or, you can text the keywords FHBC GIVE to the number 56512 to initiate a gift or recurring gift – and there are no additional fees.

Download FHBC App

Mail your donation to 2101 Old Hickory Blvd., Nashville TN, 37215. Be sure to include your name and address on check or envelope so that donation credit may be provided for tax purposes.

Gifts of stock and mutual fund shares can be made to Forest Hills Baptist Church using the following information:

Brokerage: Raymond James & Associates
Broker: Gage Logan
DTC: 725
Account #: 25953399
Phone: 615.313.2109
Fax: 615.259.0518

Giving Opportunities

Building Fund

Giving may be directed toward continuing development of our campus facilities. To make a gift to our body specific to one of these areas, please indicate "Building Fund" on the memo line of your check so that we may allocate your gift appropriately.

Annual ENGAGE Missions Offering

A major part of fulfilling our missions strategy is through our annual ENGAGE Missions Offering.

Missions Endowment

Created to provide ongoing support for missions through Forest Hills Baptist Church, the endowment fund provides annual funding for International Mission Board missions as well as support for mission projects directly sponsored by Forest Hills Baptist Church. Each year 7% of the endowment fund balance is distributed to support missions.

Jerry L. Winfield Seminary Scholarship Fund

In 2006, in honor of former senior pastor Jerry Winfield's retirement, FHBC adopted a scholarship program for prospective seminary students with ties to the church. The goal of this program is to fully fund all tuition and fees for any student who surrenders to seminary study in pursuit of a career in full-time vocational ministry.

Designated Offering

Members may designate offering amounts to any specific program of the church. In addition, members may designate gifts to any church-sponsored mission engagement in support of mission trip participants