The mission of FHBC Students is to glorify God by making disciples who love, grow, serve, and go.

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Jumpstart your week with an awesome time of Bible study and fellowship! Sunday School is from 9:30–10:30am in our Student Center. We can’t wait to get to know you!

Sunday School Groups


Students (Grades 6-12), are invited to CONNECT, Wednesdays, August-April from 6–7:30pm. Join us for fun-filled time games, high-energy worship and scripture-focused study! 

Special Events

There's always something going on here: parties, camp, mission engagements – you name it!

Upcoming Events


Keiron Miles

Minister to Middle Schoolers

office: 615.373.8074 x143

David Reed

Minister to Students

office: 615.373.8074 x123

Jackie Baggett

Students, College & Young Adult Ministry Assistant

office: 615.373.8074 x140