FHBC's Deacon Ministry is an extension of the church's pastoral ministry and is performed by spirit-filled men who are called to exemplify the love of God by praying, serving, and encouraging all people to grow into the likeness of Jesus Christ in a spirit of unity and peace.


Deacons shall be men who meet the Biblical qualifications for deacon as set forth in Acts 6 and 1 Timothy 3, have been members of the church for at least one year, and are at least twenty-five years of age on January 1 immediately preceding their election. A deacon must also be a practicing tither to the church and have been a believer for at least five years.


According to our church's constitution and bylaws, a Deacon is expected to...

  • Serve as a partner and co-worker in ministry with the pastor and staff
  • Work as a team and in unity in all aspects of deacon ministry
  • Actively serve on one of the Deacon Ministry teams as assigned
  • Actively serve in the Deacon Family Ministry Program
  • Participating in other deacon activities as he is able
  • Give his full support to the overall ministry of the church
  • Actively promote fellowship, harmony and unity among church members and refrain from destructive criticism
  • Honor the privacy of all things communicated to him in confidence by an individual or other Deacons
  • Conducting themself in a manner that honors God, himself, his family and his church and refrain from any activity that would reflect negatively on any of the above

Current Deacons

Jonathan Allen
Scott Andrew
Keith Auville
LaVerne Baugher
Kenny Beam
Hugh Black
Tony Blankenship
Matt Brock
Steve Brock
Chris Brown
Jimmy Burgett
Bill Carden
Spencer Dalman
Todd Davis
Steven Duckworth
Sammy Duke
Anthony Duran
Hunter Elrod
Denny England
John Fielden
Bob Finks, Jr.
Mark Finks, III.
Matt Finney
John Foreman
Mike Friday
JD Garrison
Ted Gleason
Rodney Harris
Deaton Hildabrand
Key Holleman
Brian Holt
Joseph Hutts
Hugh Inman
Rob Ivy
Louis Jones
Rob Lantz
Mel Lee
Marshall Leslie
Hank Miles
Norman Mitchell
Kyle Moore
Ted Murphy
Rick Paulhamus
Harry Pearce
Dick Rollins
Jody Sadler
Sam Shamanur
Matt Skeens
Tony Slayden
Hagan Stone
Moti Sudeen
William Summey
David Watts
David White
Paul White
Eric Widmer
Ricky Widmer
Richard Wright
Jeff Wyatt
Dennis Karbowski
Mark Hilner
Joe Priester
Mike Arredondo